Antifašističke borbe 21e
11070 Novi Beograd

Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00-20:00
Tue, Fri: 10:00-18:00 

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Mobile orthodontic braces

For our little patients that are still growing, we have mobile orthodontic braces. These braces are used in milk and mixed dentition orthodontic therapies. They can be monomaxilar (one jaw only, standard mobile orthodontic braces) or bimaxilar (both jaws, different types of Myobrace trainers, twin block, M-block, active boards).

These can be handled independently by our little patients – they are easy to put in and out of mouth, maintain, manipulate the screws etc. However, in order for the mobile braces therapy to be successful, it is necessary that braces are worn 14 to 16 hours per day. Child’s desire to wear the braces and its cooperation are hence of extreme importance. The very looks of braces can help motivate children to wear them, as the number of themes they come in is virtually endless. They can choose anything, from fluorescent names to favorite club’s coat of arms or the image of their favorite tennis player.

It is important to note that mobile braces cannot be used to correct heavily rotated or tilted teeth, or teeth that have grown out in a wrong place. Mobile braces therapy is usually the first phase of a therapy started at an early age to correct relationships between jaws and make room for teeth, and then, if need be, fixed orthodontic appliance is applied to correct the position of teeth and end the therapy.

If not resolved at a young age, the problem becomes more difficult with time.